Problem Definition
- given two sequences of the same item set, compute how many order relations are different
- order relation: a < b < c vs. c < a < b, in this case, there are two different relations which are (a, c) and (b, c)
Sample inputs and their results:
- [a, b, c], [c, b, a] -> 3
- [a, b, c, d], [d, a, b, c] -> 3
- [a, b, c, d], [d, a, c, b] -> 4, the different order relations are (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, d)
展開所有可能的order relation需要C(N, 2)次,N是item set的大小,聽Oshin說有O(NlogN)的方法,用Merge Sort的概念即可。昨天睡不著想了兩個小時,感覺差一環就想通了。今早起來忽然想通關鍵的merge,利用已排好的特性,merge的時間只要O(n)。
Pseudo Code
大概寫寫,邊界沒有算很準,陣列由1開始算,R[1..m]的意思是R的sub sequence,範圍是1..m。
CompSeq(R, R’)
Input:R, R’ which are sequences (e.g. R = [a, b, c], R’ = [b, c, a])
Output:n, the number of different order relations
- for each c in R, H[c] := index of c in R, where H is a hash table
- return CompSubSeq(R’)
- return 0 if |R| = 1
- let m := |R| / 2, R1 := R[1..m], R2 := R[(m+1)..|R|]
- return CompSubSeq(R1) + CompSubSeq(R2]) + Merge(R1, R2)
Merge(R1, R2)
- let n := 0, k1 := 1, k2 := 1 and R be a new array
- for i in 1..(|R1|+|R2|) do:
- if k2 > |R2| or (k1 < = |R1| and Smaller(R1[k1], R2[k2])),
then R[i], k1 := R1[k1], k1+1 - else R[i], k2, n := R2[k2], k2+1, n+|R1|-k1+1
- end for
- return n
Smaller(a, b)
- return true if H[a] < H[b]
Ruby寫的版本見這裡,原本想寫完整版的測試,寫完演算法後懶了,果然應該先寫test code再開始寫,才不會懶得寫test code啊。
可以利用如下的方法實作test code:產生(a1, a2, …, an) item set的所有排列,在產生排列的同時,可以知道目前產生的是第幾組序列,得到序列值後,可以用O(N)的方法算出差了幾個relation,以(a, b, c, d)和(d, c, a, b)為例,(d, c, a, b)是第23個序列,23 = 3*3! + 2*2! + 0*1! + 1*0!,所以是3 + 2 = 5次;以(c, d, a, b)來說,這是第17個序列,17 = 2*3! + 2*2! + 0*1! + 1*0!,所以是2 + 2 = 4次。利用餘數的技巧,序列數轉成階乘表示只要O(N)。